Twinning Programme
Share expertise and resources in Europe to stimulate capacity building globally
Match astronomers and institutes worldwide based on needs and opportunities
The E-ROAD twinning programme is designed to stimulate capacity building globally by connecting astronomers at European institutes with colleagues in other parts of the world.
By sharing expertise, technical and transferable skills, our goal is to build human capital and strengthen research capacity across the world.
We work closely together with the sister Regional Offices of Astronomy for Development and mapped their interests and needs in the programme. Twinning activities can exploit online communication methods and can take several forms, including skill training, shared supervision of students and visiting or online lecture courses. To have a broad impact, both training in direct astronomy skills (e.g. programming, doing observations and collaborative research projects) and transferable skills (a.o. project management, proposal writing and academic English) are encouraged. The first twinning collaborations will commence under the EU Erasmus+ framework between the Netherlands and Armenia, Colombia, Ethiopia and Nigeria.
Contact us to inform how you can participate in this programme.
The project advances the UN Sustainable Development Goals:
SDG 9 Innovation & infrastructure
Indicator 9.5.1: Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP & Indicator 9.5.2: Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants.