Project SKIES has kicked-off
The EU-funded project SKIES (SKilled, Innovative and Entrepreneurial Scientists) aims to provide PhD students and young doctoral researchers in the field of astronomy with a new set of skills integrating open science, social innovation and entrepreneurship topics. The IAU E-ROAD based at Leiden University, in cooperation with the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, Stichting dotSPACE and five astronomy higher education institutes, will develop the training modules. The project kicked off on the 1st of March 2021 and will run for 18 months.
EAS Annual Meeting 2021
There will be a special session about Astronomy for Development during the virtual EAS Annual Meeting 2021, focusing on the IAU OAD activities and the contribution of astronomy to the UN SDGs.
UN Dialogue: Astronomy for Global Citizenship
In the online Dialogue "Astronomy - a Unique Educational Tool for furthering the SDGs and Stimulating a Global Perspective" in the context of the United Nation's 75th anniversary, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) launches a new global citizenship initiative at the United Nations. The event featured a key opening address from South African Minister Naledi Pandor.
Announcement: UN Dialogue "Astronomy for Global Citizenship"
Save the date! On the 28th of September 2020, the E-ROAD will organise an online Dialogue in the context of the United Nation's 75th anniversary, called "Astronomy - a Unique Educational Tool for furthering the SDGs and Stimulating a Global Perspective". The event will feature speakers from astronomy education projects and discuss the value of astronomy for global citizenship education.
Twinning collaborations through Erasmus+
The E-ROAD will start twinning collaborations with the OAD sister offices in Armenia, Colombia, Ethiopia and Nigeria with an Erasmus+ grant. The grant will enable staff and students to go abroad for professional development training and to foster capacity building in the involved institutes.
ExploreEAS Annual Meeting 2020
There will be a special session about astronomy for development and climate action during the virtual EAS Annual Meeting 2020, as well as two related lunch sessions on sustainability and development.
Virtual Lorentz Center workshop
Together with the H2020 project spaceEU, the E-ROAD will organise an online Lorentz Center workshop called 'Space Science for Societal Challenges', bringing together experts in space industry, research and education.
Pale Blue Dot Symposium
The Pale Blue Dot Symposium is an event to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the iconic picture of Earth as a tiny speck in the vastness of space and to discuss its impact on humankind.