Announcement: UN Dialogue "Astronomy for Global Citizenship"
Save the date! On the 28th of September 2020, the E-ROAD will organise an online Dialogue in the context of the United Nation's 75th anniversary, called "Astronomy - a Unique Educational Tool for furthering the SDGs and Stimulating a Global Perspective". The event will feature speakers from astronomy education projects and discuss the value of astronomy for global citizenship education.

Astronomy is an effective tool for international development because it combines fundamental science and cutting-edge technology with culture and inspiration. This is the pioneering mission of the International Astronomical Union’s Office of Astronomy for Development in Cape Town and its network of 11 regional offices throughout the world.
Alongside the UN 75th General Assembly, the E-ROAD will organise an online Dialogue on 28 September 2020 and a face-to-face event in 2021, focusing on the unique contribution of astronomy, its technology and inspirational power to advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This online UN Dialogue is part of the ISC ScienceDigital@UNGA75 conference, that will address how science and ICT can contribute to attaining the SDGs.
The SDGs addressed in this Dialogue include SDG4 (Education), SDG9 (Infrastructure & Innovation), SDG13 (Climate Action) and SDG16 (Peaceful inclusive societies), while safeguarding SDG5 (Gender Equality) and SDG10 (Reduced inequalities). During the dialogue in September, particular attention will be paid to how stimulating a cosmic perspective from a young age can contribute to a child’s global consciousness and foster universal solidarity. Such an approach to education is particularly important in the light of the several global threats that face our planet, including pandemics, climate change, ethnic conflicts and racism.
The Dialogue on Astronomy for Development will feature several high-profile speakers discussing how astronomy can contribute to achieving the UN SDGs, with a focus on astronomy as a tool for stimulating global citizenship via early education. We plan to include short, pre-recorded contributions by children from countries in the worldwide IAU Astronomy for Development network about how they view the world and the need to preserve and cultivate it, after seeing the iconic "pale blue dot" picture of our planet from space. The Dialogue will conclude with a discussion about the value of astronomy for global citizenship education and the UN SDGs.
You can register for the event here, the event link will be emailed to registered participants.
The programme: 28 September, 14:00-16:00 CEST
The short, inspirational videos will be shown throughout the programme
Short talks by:
- Grace Naledi Mandisa Pandor (prerecorded), South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation: Opening address
- Barry Andrews (prerecorded), MEP European Parliamentary Delegation for Relations with South Africa
- Declan Kirrane, Coordinator EU Africa Radio Astronomy Platform
- Kevin Govender, Director IAU Office of Astronomy for Development: Astronomy for development and the flagship project on Astronomy for Humanity
- Michelle Willebrands, Coordinator European Regional Office of Astronomy for Development: Astronomy education for global citizenship in Pale Blue Dot
- Lydia Ruprecht, Specialist UNESCO Global Citizenship Education: The UNESCO global citizenship education framework
- Orla Doyle, Associate Professor at the School of Economics University College Dublin: Early childhood interventions
- Cecilia Scorza, Coordinator for public outreach and school contacts at physics faculty LMU Munich: "Astronomy for Climate" educational box
- Premana Premadi, Researcher and teacher at Bosscha Observatory Indonesia: UNAWE and Astronomy education in Indonesia
30 minute Q&A with all the speakers